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Stephen Mayo | Blogs

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Best of What's Available
What's the Author's Motivation?
Honest with Ourselves
Why Write?
Consider the Source
2 Ways to Stand Out
Above The Water's Surface
The Benefits of Consistency
Play Every Hand
Look to the Extremes
Cold Water
More Than Just Time
Before You Start Solving...
Being Hard on Yourself
Having Enough, Being Enough
A Sharp Knife
Make It Sparkle
Can-Do vs. Do-Do
Your State of BEING
Keep on Churning
Just the Facts
Ready for the Pass
The Magic is in YOU
More Than a Haircut
Stick With It
The Benefits of Lumbering
3 Options
How Dark Is It?
Let the Birds Live
Change the Question
Little Choices & Big Decisions
The Steady Uncomfortable
It All Comes Back Around
To Make the World More Beautiful
Walk Over and Ask
Even If They Don't Wave Back
Tips And Tricks Vs. Tried And True
3 Types of Hard Work
Keep Trying, Keep Innovating
Say What You Mean
Classifying Bobby Knight
Driving With The Parking Brake On
Beyond Winning and Losing
Revealing Your Inner Beauty
The Knee is Not the Problem
Steady and Relentless
Showing Up
Playing the Long Game
Doing Your Job
Small Talk
See the Benefit
Hotel Bookings & Blind Spots
What You Make Of It
Context Creates The Crescendo
Tennis in Winter
Winning the Game vs. Choosing the Game
Brilliant Shades of Blue
Finding YOUR Super Bowl
"I Ran Out of Desire"
The Whole Thing and All the Parts
Solving with Systems
Starting Early
Just Say "Thank You"
The Way You Communicate
What's It Like?
More Talk Now, Less Talk Later
We Get What We Seek
Sing It Out Loud
Heading West
Treasures All Around Us
Grab a Stopwatch
Ready to Move Forward
Discovering the Blindfold
Practice Like You'll Play
The 4-Inch View
How Long is the Race?
Seeing True Color
The Trap Of Assuming Intent
The Bright Green Frog
Not Strangers to Me
Out of Character
Before the Race Begins
Tell It Like It Is
Clumsy At First
Pruning the Peach Tree
Invested in What?
Choose Your Own Perspective
"Want To" Vs. "Have To"
Moving Off the Ball
Who's Responsible?
Skipping The Positive/Negative Trap
The Change Inside the Change
Part of the Territory
What's Your Posture Saying?
Setting An Example
Hidden Traits
What You Already Know
Taking The Long View
Somewhere To Start
What Are You Waiting For?
Hidden in Plain Sight
It's Just a Question
Hearing the Feedback
A Different Look
"Off Track"
Momentum That Stabilizes
Someone Should Say Something...
Clear Vision
Who’s in charge here?
An Actual Conversation
Acting Confident vs. Being Confident
Ripple Effects
Just As You Are
The Journey That Matters
The Benefits of Crashing
Create More. Minimize Less.
Clutter vs. Clarity
Up To You
Sticking With It
Explain WHY
To Climb Another Day
A Choice
Does It Actually Work?
It Wasn’t Me…
A Complete Stop
The Handoff
Isn't It Great?
Choosing Your Boundaries
Like A Bicycle
How Long Will It Take?
The Perfect Fit
Doing It Right
"It Doesn't Matter"
Small Changes
Where Awareness Meets Action
Choosing to Lead
Ask Assertively
Saving Seats
A Golden Opportunity
A Law, or Just a Pattern?
What You Already Know
Absolutes vs. Progress
Listen or Think: Pick One
Easy Enough
Learning to Like New Things
A Shift in Perspective
A Great Workspace
Where Persuasion Begins
Humans vs. Robots
Eyesight, Binoculars & Telescopes
At First Glance
What's Your Policy?
A True Partner
How much time did you spend on it?
Today is Today
Investment vs. Expense
Being Specific
Carrots are for Eating
How Long Will It Take?
Willing to Ask
1,000 Miles Per Hour
Straight to the Goal
Frisbee Fetch
Shifting Your Perspective
"Because Of Covid"
On Vacation
The Signals We Send
Better Assumptions
Your True Power
Focused on the Price
The Gift of Guessing
Your Optimal Speed
It's Up To Each of Us
They've Never Tried It
Being Who You Are
At the End of This
Embracing Tension
"He Doesn't Do That Anymore"
Seeing What's There
What's the Reason?
Looking vs. Seeing
Decision-Facers And Decision-Makers
Clarity First
The Power of Intuition
Good News! It Didn't Work
What's the Purpose?
First, Understanding
In Summary
Getting Up to Speed
Sailing in Stormy Weather
Incredibly Focused
Engage, with Compassion
A Critical Moment
Good Sometimes, Bad Sometimes
Every Day
Properly Motivated
It Will Take Your Breath Away
One Step Ahead
By Risking Failure