Your State of BEING
April 7, 2024You probably have lots of things to do this week.
You have punchlists to complete, emails to send, phone calls to make, errands to run, meetings to attend.
Most weeks are filled with a lot of DOING.
Don't forget about the BEING.
Are you bringing enthusiasm, eagerness, hope and compassion to your staff meeting? Are you open and listening, or on alert to defend yourself?
When you pick up your child from school, are you completing the task, or really ready to listen and receive them?
As you work through your inbox, are you harried and anxious, or steady and purposeful?
What's your state of being as you stand up to give the presentation? Is your mind centered on the present moment, or worried about what will happen?
It's so easy to get caught up in completing the tasks, that we often lose touch with how we are in the process. When this happens, we miss a huge opportunity to shape our environment for the better, to do better work, create better relationships, and experience more satisfaction in the process.
How are you, right this moment?
What attitude would you like to lean into more?
What fears would you like to release?
What mindset shift would help you be more like yourself as you do what you do?