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Stephen Mayo | Having Enough, Being Enough

Having Enough, Being Enough

May 5, 2024

Recently I opened the balance of my checking account, and on this particular day the balance was higher than I had been expecting.  For a brief moment the thought popped into my head: "ok, that's enough".  It wasn't a calculated thought.  It wasn't "enough" for anything in particular (a week of groceries or a month's budget).  It was just a reactive thought: "that's enough for right now".

Then I realized: it's easy to look at things and habitually see them as "not enough", insufficient.  With realizing it we often bring this perspective to our bank account, our role in the company, our social standing and our accomplishments in life.  And most of all, with ourselves.

This preoccupation with "having enough" drives many of our fears, insecurities and decisions.

It's so easy to go through life with the mentality "I'll be enough when I _________"


Instead of a bank account, imagine clicking open your metaphorical 'self account' and saying ah, that's enough. I am enough.  Not because of what you've accomplished or accumulated, but because you trust yourself, your recognize how capable you are, and you appreciate your own uniqueness.

Having enough money to make ends meet is an undeniable, tangible reality. But learning to see yourself as sufficient and whole, just for being you... that's an achievement that makes every other activity in life more satisfying and less stressful.  

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