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Stephen Mayo | Before You Start Solving...

Before You Start Solving...

May 19, 2024

When someone expresses a problem, it’s tempting to start solving immediately, but that’s often not what’s needed.

My wife and I occasionally catch ourselves doing just this.

One person (the Initiator) might say: “I’m frustrated with ________” or “I’m sad about _________”

The other person (the Helper): “Well, what you should do is ________”

Then we have several back & forths, and still the initiator feels frustrated. 


What went wrong?


What we’ve discovered is that the initiator isn’t looking for a solution. At least not at first.  Because at first they just want to express their emotions with someone as a witness.

"I’m frustrated."

"I’m upset."


What we’ve learned to do is first acknowledge the person and their situation.  Some phrases that work well are:


Once the initial venting has subsided, the Helper might ask: “would you like some help solving?”.  And the initiator will either say “yes! I’d love some help” or “no that’s not what I want from you right now”.  

Now we’re in a constructive place to move forward.

Before you jump into solving mode, try listening and acknowledging.  


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