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Stephen Mayo | Unforgettable


June 23, 2024

“You don’t forget Glen”

          - Film director Richard Linklater describing actor Glen Powell at age 15.  Found in WSJ article by John Jurgensen




Imagine if you were so memorable that people could never forget you.

Imagine if you were so unique, skilled, or unusual that your name was the first one that popped into people's heads when they need someone who does what you do?

Imagine how much more interesting your work would be.

Imagine how much more selective you could be about the tasks you say yes and no to.

Do you want to be just like everyone else, only a little better?  

Or do you want to be unforgettable?


What does it take to stand out?

A lot of things.

Innovation, creativity, flair, commitment and more. 

But before all of that, it takes courage -- the willingness to stand out, to be different, to be seen, noticed, and rejected along the way.

How far are you willing to go to stand out?




A few more resources on this topic:

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