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Stephen Mayo | Hotel Bookings & Blind Spots

Hotel Bookings & Blind Spots

May 14, 2023

Last month I had an irritating experience while attempting to book a hotel room.  I tried to make the reservation online, but the website rejected my credit card entry, even after trying multiple times with both the cards I regularly use.  Then I called their sales line directly, and while placing the order was asked multiple times to repeat and spell my information.  Then I had to explain why I didn't want to give me phone number. All of this just so I could buy.  I was standing there, saying "please take my money, I'm ready to buy what you're selling".  Why did they make this so difficult?

Part of the answer, I suspect, is that the folks at the hotel don't realize the issue. They're unaware because they rarely try to book a room with their own hotel.  They're in the business of taking bookings, not making them.

This highlights a challenge we all face: how do you see yourself clearly? how do you get an objective assessment when you (the observer) are also the object? 

For example:


A good first step, I think, is to acknowledge that I don't know for sure.   Keep an eye out for signs that I'm deluding myself.  Ask for feedback from people I think will be candid. And keep an open mind about the fact that I might not be as open-minded as I think I am!


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