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Stephen Mayo | It All Comes Back Around

It All Comes Back Around

Dec. 31, 2023

"In my kind of work you'd better take things apart carefully because you're going to have to put them back together again"

          - Handyman Kurt Armstrong (


How often do we take action based on what's convenient without considering the impact down the line?

  1. We order takeout night after night even though we know it isn't what's best for our wallet or health.
  2. We postpone important conversations with our spouse, kids, friends and colleagues because we're busy or uncomfortable, temporarily forgetting these are the most important relationships in our lives.
  3. We buy the lowest cost version of the appliance even though it's more likely to break in a couple years and more likely to have materials or labor sourced in harmful ways.  We vote with our dollars, then we complain about how companies don't make things the way they used to.
  4. We hang out with people who think, talk and look like us because it's easier and more comfortable, forgetting that this perpetuates the divisions we see around the world.


When we consider the ripple effects of our actions, we discover that the consequences always come back to us eventually.  We all share the same planet and no one lives in complete isolation. The trick is paying enough attention to see it.


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