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Stephen Mayo | How Dark Is It?

How Dark Is It?

Feb. 4, 2024

If you wake up in the middle of the night, even with the lights are off you can probably see reasonably well because your eyes are acclimated to the low light.

If walk out of a bright hallway into the same unlit bedroom, it'll appear impenetrably dark

Which is it?  How dark is the room, really?

It depends, of course, on what your eyes and mind are ready to receive.

For lots of situations, how stressful it is, or how hard it is, or how fun it is, depends on what we're ready to see.   If we come in ready for a challenge, we're more likely to embrace the moment and less likely to be overwhelmed.  If we hold our expectations loosely, we're more able to handle whatever comes.  If we're grounded in the knowledge of how capable we are, we're less likely to be discouraged.

If you find yourself judging your situation as impossible, maybe you just need a moment for your eyes to adjust.


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