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Stephen Mayo | The Benefits of Lumbering

The Benefits of Lumbering

Feb. 18, 2024

The word lumbering sounds sluggish and heavy.  Slow to respond. Reluctant to adapt. Archaic.  In today's world, it's better to be nimble, many would say.

But lumbering has a lot of benefits. The lumber-er maintains his focus and avoids distractions.  He knows the heading and holds it steady.  The lumber-er refrains from flashy objects, tempting side projects, endless pings and emails.   A lumber-er identifies his priorities and plods steadily toward them.  One foot after another.

The lumber-er knows herself, trusts herself and stays true to herself.  Instead of contorting to please others, the lumber-er  grows ever more confident of who she is and what she's here to do.  With this clarity comes the conviction to speak up and make bold decisions.  The lumber-er prioritizes being right over being responsive.

It takes courage to lumber, because everyone will say you'll be left behind.

Stay the course. Continue to lumber.  And when you arrive at your destination, you may find yourself part of a small, elite crowd.


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