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Stephen Mayo | Even If They Don't Wave Back

Even If They Don't Wave Back

Dec. 10, 2023

Have you ever started to wave to someone, then realized they weren't looking, and pulled it back?

I did this yesterday with the guy gathering the shopping carts in the parking lot.  I started to wave, realized he didn't seen me, and I stopped myself.

Later I thought this over.  My wave is a greeting, right?  It's a gesture that says "I see you, I'm glad to see you, and I want you to know it."

A greeting invites a response, but it does not require one. 

We do this in all sorts of places.  We start to put ourselves out there, then get an inkling that it won't be reciprocated, and we pull it back.  We have a question for our boss, or an acknowledgement for our child, or a pep talk for our team.  Then we see a sign they might not be ready, they might not welcome it, and we pull it back, saving it for another time.  Our generosity evaporates in the face of our fear. 

There's an alternative.  Own your intention. Say hi if you want to say hi.  Wave if you want to wave.  Wink if you want to wink.  Maybe they'll see it, maybe they won't, but your contribution will be out there.  Your desire to connect, to invite, to start a conversation, to unify, to come can hit SEND without knowing how it will land. And in doing so, you'll be building a reputation with yourself as someone who gives first, who waves first, even if they don't wave back.


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